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Chapter 3 Think Out Loud

Word Count: 1595    |    Released on: 04/11/2021

moved into my old pack, no matter how hard I tried I could never fully get to sleep. Kyle always said it boiled down to our past and how I haven't

tart getting ready for the day, the early bird catches the worm I guess. The amazing thing about this room was there was a bathroom connected to it, which

wn the room waiting for the door to open, which it didn't! I slowly make my way over to the window, it looked as though it was gonna be a hot day. I take a seat on the window seat just staring at the sky, my mind drifting to my family most of them I haven't seen in years. I wonder what they're al

e lot. This meant the whole family bounced from pack to pack, we would stay for a few weeks but than annoy someone and get kicked right back out. My parents were the worst to get into fights, someon

oor, Grayson makes his way in smiling at me, I sigh

making his way over to me, I just nod smiling but r

tells me, I block her out so Gra

day ahead of us" he smiles holding his arm out, I smil

e! We soon arrive in a huge dinning hall, the table must have been the biggest I've ever seen! You could probably fit a whole pack here if

ut my thoughts once again, I always get lost in my thoughts as I don'

as the doors open with around four people walking in. They immediately start to place plates of food and drink in front of us, looking at the food it was in

nything we'll just be outside" one of the men smile, Grayso

was prepared hours in advance. How did they know what time we'd have breakfast? How do they know what we're feeling today? I mean there's days where I could eat a whole box of c

ittle looking at me, oh I must have got lost i

oloured custard? I mean what an amazing business that would be, just imagine having a rainbow custard, but then if it's a different colour would you make it a different flavour? I have so m

ease think out loud more often, I loved hearing how your mind wo

boy you don't know what you've just put yourself through" I laugh causing him to laugh too "I mean I don't k

me "I will tell the cooks how much you loved it, they will be very pleased" he tells me I just nod but look to the side

oughts" he smiles snapping me out of my thou

I'm just so stupid" I sigh shaking my head still staring at the table, he went to speak but I do before he could "I mean I'm supposed t

tells me taking hold of my hands from across the table, the sparks of electricity went through my arms cause me to smile "I just know that you are going be able to talk to

no need to be scared, I mean look at me" I say thinking out loud like he told me "I just need paper and a pen, knowing me I'll

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