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Chapter 4 New Friends

Word Count: 1469    |    Released on: 04/11/2021

ived that I'd love it. It has huge with murals on the ceiling, it had gold statues it was beautiful. The last part of the tour was the garden, he said he thinks I'll also like this part to

de me "I confess I have let it go a little, the gardeners make it look great but I've just forgotten about it since she left" he si

ch he soon returns but also places a kiss on my hand. The sparks that erupted felt as though fi

f course" he smiles looking to the side at me, I just nod agreeing with him "my mother loved this bench up here, she would sp

e'd sit and have picnics on the hotter days. That's what made me fall in love with nature I think, when we would go out with our mum on that day she would be a completely different person. When she was around other people in our family, she would just blank our existence. I didn't know why then but I also don't know wh

s why we need to stay together. I should ask when is it okay to speak to Kyle, I hope he's not

pologising before quickly answering the phone "I told you not to disturb me today, I couldn't care less what those delinquents think,

looking at me, he sends me a soft smi

that we can't spend the whole day together but I promise I'll make it up to you" h

't help but get pulled away, anyway we have a whole lifetime to spend ti

smiles pulling me closer to him, which meant our faces were now inches from each other "you will not be alone my love, my Beta Josh's mate Daisy will be here with you" he smiles our faces even closer

h please" I smile, I was gonna be strong and try my h

ng a single kiss on my head, he places his hand on my cheek rubbing his

ce, I turn my head to see a young girl, maybe a little older than me stood there. She l

ck to the ground "you can come sit with me if you like, I promise I don't bite" I smile a part of me wantin

round a new people, I'm sorry I'm talking too much I'll stop" she ram

h making her look up, she nods looking kind of surprised at me "I'm not really much of a talker, honestly I never start a conversation or keep a very good one with new people, so it just sh

tually look at me, before she would look at me but her eyes would soon dart to the floor "I thought I was the only one that gets like this, it'

look at us, we're here having a full conversation" I smile she nods sitting back on the bench

ve, no one here is my age and I'm too afraid to talk to the men who are so you saying that is ac

makes her wrap her arms around

life long fr

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