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Chapter 5 It’s Tradition

Word Count: 1604    |    Released on: 04/11/2021

she was born in America but moved to the uk when she was 5. Her family quickly settled into a pack a few hours away, she doesn't get to see her family much now she's with Josh.

s found Josh and wouldn't change it for the world, but as he's always working here she's alone as she doesn't have any friends. I

prevent her meeting Grayson for awhile as her face needed to heal, when she went to meet him again it was fine at first until they sat down for food. She once again wa

ys, I look over and see Grayson with another m

ve enjoyed myself here" Daisy says as we both get up walking ov

his arm around my shoulders pulling me to stand next to him "we best be getting off anyway Das, it's been lo

and Daisy begin to walk away, Grayson

towards the castle, I laugh shaking my

itchen which I'm not kidding, around hundred people were busy cooking. There was also a huge library which

aque hanging on one of them, it was dated to 1789! They were all of what looked families, obviously royal families as they all wore crowns or tia

plains pointing down the hall, aww it's like a family tradition "this is my parents and I" he says turn

really kind person. Than my eyes drift to his father, he didn't look that nice it was his eyes, he wore a black suit with a big crown on the top of his head. My eyes soon go back down to litt

es pointing to a blank space beside his family's one, this immediately mak

something clicks in his mind as he reaches over taking my ha

over my hand "when we eventually do those things, we do not have to have children for years so do not worry, also I a

e "I'll take that as a yes" he smiles holding his arm out, I shake my head taking his arm as he led me out the long hallw

he table, when the door knocks a man walks in qui

ter to discus that you were putting off back at the mee

ara was ready to face crowds" Josh joins the conversation pushing th

look, but before he could answer my question

thing, your father would want you to-" the dude starts to

ock, especially me, I so wanted to speak and ask what was going

knowing I wanted to speak but also

out the door while Josh mouths sorry following him out "You wanted to speak my lov

could have easily asked that question with thos

most cases the King presents his mate to his people today, but I do not want to rush into anything you are not comfortable with doing

ot do it tonight, I mean it'll get that weird man off your back and it will be keeping with the tradition

while calling the two men back in "we have decided we will do the presenting of the Queen tonight, I can

tted for the dress she will wear" the man says looki

he heard what needs to happen" he says which makes me s

ees and tells everyone to get it all don

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