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Chapter 3 Meeting an old friend

Word Count: 1273    |    Released on: 03/02/2022


brought Amelia, you both loved each other when you were kids, I don’t know of know that y

is a gorgeous young lady so I don’t expect her not to have a boyfriend dad” I said calm

n for any relationship” he said with the look of deter

ng time and I don’t have any feelings for her, we can sti

n and when are you gonna get yourself

riend soon…….. and I remember we we

Ana was the youngest among us then and she has the sharpest mouth too, sh

t’s one of the excuses the boards will make to say you are not responsible, pls son” he said calmly “Dad I understand but we can’t still overlook the fact tha

ap from the door, I looked back

legitimate child of the Knights is here (he took a sit) So the meeting can continue” he

scussing some things with your brother” dad mu

ored? Oops I forgot I am the illegitimate son, I……”

calm down, the issue is totally

not to seek my opinion sometimes too dad, it’s bad” he curled his right hand into a fist with all his muscles popping out, I gue

I asked because he

talk to your brother? He got it all

deserves to be loved, it’s your mistake for having extramarital affair, but he is not a mistake, he is your son, your

try to make amend

good night” I stood up and walked

and closed it gently. Getting to the sitting room, I met mom a

w mom” I said and stood

help drop her at home?” I perfectly understan

ia” she stood up and we


her dad’s company, I wish I can do the same but no, I have to help rebuild my dad’s company, I didn’t know she is even the super hot model in the mouth of people, she is reall


a fool he is. “Are you done laughing

le more bro” he said and continued

efore he forgave you?” He said an

K?” I roared and I guessed that calmed

nt and I need you to get someone that can fill in the post of a personal assistant as soon as possible” I said i

look for one as soon as I

nows where you get my morn

, my phone rang,I smiled reaching for my


letting me in, she claims I don

e to her, let me talk to her (there wa

her in” “Okay sir” “Is that eno


I heard an

ed “I’m good” she said and dropped a basket

n coming to work so I brought you

he brought out dishes from th


y together” I said and we both laughed lightly

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