img Hey Psycho, Will You Be My Bride?  /  Chapter 8 Office works | 57.14%
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Chapter 8 Office works

Word Count: 1802    |    Released on: 05/02/2022


lked away angrily, the girl is kinda

Alexa, I slapped my head immediately, why will I think of having sex with a very low girl like her? I sighe

a like frustrating her, and she sh

t was without looking up, he slumped int

’t frustrating Alexa too much?, she’s been fro

on’t care if she’s happy doing it

to the club tonight, yunno it’s been long since we

the door’s remote distracted me, I looked at the

on the remote, the door op

ss” Karl greeted

Mark too, who acknowledged his g

the matter Ka

u we have thirty minutes left until

s thirty minutes remaining, I guess

erything been pr

he said a

supposed to go up and down the staircase fifty times

Mark aske

ee hundred stairs, and you asked

she’s not here to help me attend to business m

hat’s t

lp me monitor he

a monitor her” he

” I said and we both w


of the boards of directors, Mr W

why are you against it?” I

that type of a toy will make kids more unserious,

and studying with fun will really be impressive” I reply calmly while smirking. I have a bad feeling

tudy partner and a friend to their kids, they’ll definitely get it” Mr B



s this guy so wicked? If not that I’m a strong girl and I won’t a

f I'm this tired? I can’t just wait to get this one year over with. He

cide, are you?” Mark asked jokingly as

n mood for

ust be very tired” h

and a smile spread across my face, but it dropped down when I reali

ave some things to d

wn the staircase?” My eye

onitor you, so you’re free”

we go

ad quickly, standing up

her what a maid is doing here. We went on and on before I saw a building with the inscription KNIGHTS COMPANY RESTAURAN

loudly and Mark loo

ready ma’am” he

ook a table, and a

t can we offer you?” H

said, the waiter no

and a “ohh” sound came out

said quickly and

your choice Alexa” Mark s


lexa trailing behind him, he sat on one

g Mr Knight?” Mark

favors my side more, and of course M

igator to dig out informatio

et” I said

in check at the other company, I’l

up later” I said and he

or lunch?” I asked Lexa

but what’s wrong with her, we


ed over to where Alexa was sitting and she's already,

tapping her, she

ed inaudibly, still shivering, her hand

er, I should probably wake her up.

ng?” She shoute

d to laugh at her re

get going” I said and she gla


ansion, Nicklaus was walking to

late already” I said and he looked at me weirdly befor

d I became dumbfounded)..well I don’t need your answer, mai

ht..” I don’t even

that’s just the contract” he said a

get upstairs is your room” he s


ound, Mark was making out with a girl, I should too but I’m

t me with his eyes wide open, wait I

aking shits like this” he shouted into my ear and

ll, no..I..can’

ou home” he said, dragging me a

ill young” I said,

top drinking” he said

r a hot chick to fuck”

id to the bar attendant an


ion to her. My phone started ringing and I got reluctant to pick it up from the nightstand. I should pick it up, maybe it's


n a minute, he was

e something important to attend

his room, he kept muttering inaudible words and

m on his bed, I turned to leave but can be

can do anyhow?” He said and I tried standing

have fun with my girl, now I.

!” I s

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