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Chapter 5 Got a job from Mr Rude

Word Count: 1246    |    Released on: 04/02/2022


s voice came up and I n

sn’t scary” says Mark

rk pressed the 30th floor, I’m not so surp

r front is a glass door that is glittering like it’s ma

in or I will come take you in” Mark said and I nod my

k entered. A few minute

e to come in, I said a quick prayer in

screams money, I mean huge money, I don’t even know where I am, I

herself a good cloth” The boss said almost yelling, but his voice seems familiar

ried to talk to him

ly have a high school certificate, it’s not even that great and you think you can work in a place like this? (He laughed) so

the moment our eyes met, he looked gobsmacked too, suddenly he burst into hysteric laughter and my fa

ate to apply for a job in this kind of company, do you even think at all before doing things?” I turned back

allow your pride and admit you’re wrong?” He said and I stopped dead on my tra

.orry, I’m sorry” I stutter

hought you were rich” he sa

well, do you really need this job…” “Yes!” I replied rat

d received a phone call which ended after some secon

f, the guy nodded his head to both Mark and I, Mark respond

I don’t know what to do about your girl or can she work as a maid?” I l

ead in return, I guess I really don’t have a choice here, I know the personal a

this, can you work as a maid?” H

out” he

as a maid” I sai

contract for us and I’ll forward some details to you make

ve to sit here and wait to complete all the processing and si

ake sure you do not stain my chair” He said and I we

e for today?” I hear him a


st that CEO Nicklaus has been attending meetings and receiving busin

at him, he nod his head to confirm he called I

ed a file and winked at me before leavi

said and I quic

go through it” He said calmly and I took the file, I brought o

asked, more lik

t? Or it’s too sm..” I quickly cut

ger. If I do this for a year, my life will be much better

go through what? This is like a fucking blessing, I don’t care about

nodded his head, he brought out a pen from his pocket and g

l be credited your half payment for the first month” He said

y at him, he nod and I see som

he secretary and report there o

” He said and

ir” I said a

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