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Chapter 7 To his office

Word Count: 1284    |    Released on: 04/02/2022


oss is this? he literally asked me to wear maid uniform and

around like someone who had lost something, before realizing I was still

still open, I looked and I m

l keep me waiting?” He barked angrily, I

g. The driver started the car, and we rode in si


when I say we you know w

ite and it has wide spaces around it, this company is really gigantic,

hearing good morning from everyone and I felt so proud and i

d and sta

get the map” he said and it

ave him a

elevator” i wanted to

to follow you everywhere you go

, you go through the stairs” he explained pro

d walked towards

eautiful lady I assum

p you?” She asked

the map here” I said and she nodded, she searc

me, I collected it and dash out fi


bit straightforward but damn their staircase, I can’t eve

ng me, I quickly entered because I don’

een?” He asked as I entered, w

ake the staircase when you know pretty well how

shouting on?” He said wi

ask him to give you some cash to get my coffee from my

e stairs and when I saw M

of him already?” He asked a bit

m the usual, which I don’t understand, which place is he talking abo

llars to me) I guess you kn

” I said an

I opened my mouth not know

an take the public elevator that’s in t

d, so there’s a public elevator and that guy made me go th


me, she’s been asking lots of question

my coffee that much, hope he’s no

s a nice guy and he’s treatin

t’s good m

ke it to him, we’ll talk better when I ge

repare…..” aunt was about

gave her a reassuring smile before standing up


ing to think about all day

babe” he

’s enjoying it too because he was groaning lowly too. We were about t

ut” she said and made to go out

in? And how were you able to get in?” He asked sou

of my arrival already” she said lowly, she seems pretty familiar, and h

ed on the remote babe” Nick said, an

stand up from his legs) I’ll be going now babe

just see you off” h

to other things you have to atte

kissed my cheeks, I winke


she walked out, y

d) Where the coffe I sent you to get” she quickly g

t me to drink?” I shouted

d you just do?” S

w dare you bring me a cold coffee?” I didn’t

when you were going right? (she looked at me shocked), you know what you’re gonna do now? Yo


finality, giving no

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