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Chapter 2 : He's Not Angry

Word Count: 1163    |    Released on: 03/12/2021


e next sequence of events will play out. Spilling boiling hot coffee onto

oe eyes. To my surprise, there is no fire or hatred behind them. They look

e man, my mouth gaping open and close like a fish as I struggle

man asks, staring between me

in shock, clearly unhappy to

e-es,” I stammer, the word

yes apologizes, taking in the mess on the f

om his tailored suit, not me. I should be the one getting on my k

’t look at him for too long in fear I might explode. Why does he have this effect o

mess, “This is my fault. I’m such a clumsy

but isn’t to me. It looks like he’s trying to figure out who I am and that makes m

if the man is going to blow his top when he sees his dark b

over me, “Please let me get that cleaned for you or

ht it’s almost blinding, “This old thing? This

t like that just sits and collects dust. With the way he dresses,

ehind her eyes. She looks between me and the man, clear

that was my drink and I want a refund,” T

nd whatever they want and have people do whatever they say. I’m sick of it. I’m tired of bein

lm, “I can’t give you a refund

st say? I asked for a refund because of the mess you’ve

een-eyes steps between us. He pulls out a walle

flaps between them in the slight breeze. I’m sure she’s tak

ns to me, “I still want you fired f

eat before I r

she leaves with his money. Everyone inside and outside the st

,” I say, trying not to make eye cont

t want to anger the woman any more than she al

My parents can’t afford to support me financially so I would eventually end up on

about this,” I gesture to his ruined suit, “Most gu

over something as small as this in the grand scheme

possibly the nicest, most caring man I’ve ever met. I didn’t think

en I see him wave his hand in front of my face. I

smile, “Please, let me mak

s watch, his eyes retu

n. Asking for his number is way out of my comfort zone. Besides, he could be married or have a

, and I just spent them. Maybe another

rust me, I’ll

away. I’m not sure if I

I shout, waiting for

face me, slipping a pair


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