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Chapter 4 : Fired and Desperate

Word Count: 1097    |    Released on: 03/12/2021


re fi

ad been asked to come in early, but I thought that was due to being short staffed. I wasn

I stamme

ed across his chest. He is a very intimating

s from angry customers,” He mumbles, his bald head shining under

I exclaim, stress slowly taking over my body, “

paying custom

when he raises his voice, sc

u, Sabrina” His voice is firm; there

make eye contact with me, “I’m sorry to spring this o

stand. Thank you for allowing me

hard worker, but I think you have too much on your

been there for me during my lowest points. I’ll be forever grateful

an says, placing a gentle hand on my s

“Thank you, I a

so many years is harder than I thought it would be. I’ve made some in

Atlas again, which weirdly hi

h my head down. I watch the ground move beneath my feet, n

have no friends, no partner, and no

move under my command. The door swings open without me touchin

ready?” He frowns, l

scapes my eye,

k, “Stop it! Is this because o

im to sit on the loung

shoulders from behind the lounge, “I ca

deep breath, “How am I going to aff

best thing to do is to get back on the horse as soon as you can. The

r myself. I need to find a job, outside of hospitality, as soon as

, standing to my feet, “If I don’t sta

er, “Excellent! Grab your ph


for any listings that appeal to me. I refuse to take a job in hospitality because that’s t

al estate office. I applied for those positions as soon as I could, hoping my r

lyer is slipped under the door. Frowning, I move to

hnology porotypes, like a new vacuum or a cooking appliance. It

r up to Dylan, my eyebro

ead the paper. I watch his eyes skim the w

claims, “If the CEO is hot enough y

o slap his shoulder. I don’t know why his m

mumble, flipping the paper over in my h

eight job s you applied for. Email them your resum

him, “You’re right. I

the side table, but I can’t seem to take my eyes off it. I have th

e CEO?” Dylan breaks the silence, pee

my eyes at me, “I

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