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Chapter 10 : The Big Ideas

Word Count: 1322    |    Released on: 03/12/2021


time, willing to answer any questions I have, and he always values my opinions. We work a lo

office. I get that he doesn’t fully trust me because we haven’t known each other long and doesn’t want to ru

d a single word to me. I want to make him feel comfortable and less stressed, but I don’t know how. I’m sure if I say something to

ation,” Atlas mutters for the ten

, “I know. It

k me dead in the eye, “What if I f

language. I’m the potty

g will run smoothly. We’ve been working on the p

ally because this company is his baby and his livelihood. Having to be the main man to come up with fresh ideas an

fix them while he regains his composure. His hair is so soft and smells of coconut and vanilla

n. I can feel Atlas’s soft breath on my lips, and a cold shiver is sent up my spine. How

es, before the door to

mbers begin to enter the room, the

Sabbie? Only my fa

of the room. I take a seat next to the projec

everyone for coming. The way he presents himself in front of a group of people is intoxicating.

“I didn’t want to settle on something that could make us money over

cture of his invention is plastered on the scre

ing,” Atlas states, flipping through the slides, “It is simple and easy to use. The user ins

interested in the idea because its’s amazing, but I have this nagging feeling that I’ve heard about this id

their finger on the small pad and the door will lock instantly. These locks can be attached to any door or window in the h

e the prototype built by. I can’t gauge the reactions on the faces of the boa

ut their thoughts on the new invention. When everyone leaves the room, Atlas is glowing.

eathing a sigh of relief, “I don’t

on my face when I see ho

sh, “I’m sure the board members wil

, raising his hand in

dish he is and slap

brate,” he announces, p

How?” I

looking over his shoulder

ass up that

out the door,

s been an eye opener. Having worked in a café for many years, I didn’t realize that working can actually be fun.

of the glass, I can see Atlas staring at me with a little twinkle in his eye

he announce

him, so how did I become the main topic? He was the brains be

ask, c

o much more important to this project then you could ever know. Having y

I don’t care if he sees it. I have never felt this appreciated in my life.

o find the right words to express how

e, locking his eyes with mi

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