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Chapter 9 : Stains and Secrets

Word Count: 1409    |    Released on: 03/12/2021


g her drink on me in retaliation is not how I had imagined this conversation would go. I was hopi

lling coffee has happened too many times in the past week, which could be

ace, “Now we’re both a me

something, but in a situation like this it’s better to stay quiet and let us handle it. Al

m left standing in a puddle of dark liquid with a ruined outfit, the stench of

wich. He stops in the doorway when he sees the mess all over the floor. When

” Atlas demands, taking

pe my shirt with a wet cloth, “I spilt

you’re a bit clumsy, but this looks like mo

an argument with Jane. She said something about me that wasn’t nice. I spilt coffee on her b

ng an internal conflict with himself. I’m trying not to question why he’s so

up. I stand awkwardly against the counter, waiting for him to say something. I’m worried Jane

Atlas turns to face me. When he doesn’t say anything, I frow

ee down the front of himself. I gasp in shock

you?” I demand, r

ak room, he smiles, “I didn’t want you to fee

t stop myself from smiling because it’s such a sweet t

and hide behind my hair, hoping he can’t se

e hand, “Don’t worry about it.

I’ve ever had. He’s kind and cares about his employees. He’s also the most attractive man I’v

eaners?” I break the silence, stepping

d softly, “No need. I have pl

he other day and I try not to laugh. You know this man has lots

y from his long fingers moving down the buttons at an agonizingly slow pace. He must know I’m

ace and wonderful personality. But now, I’ve been blessed with seeing his scul

pieces of art. The tattoos inked into his skin are mesmerizing, forcing me to take them in and

uly a work of

y. When I see the flirty smile on his face, I realize he caught me stari

look at my body,” He teases, moving towards the d

desk, Atlas turns to face me, “Let me order in dinner for us befo

, my soaked clothes stic

ows, I watch him change into a new suit and sit behind his desk. When he

times to talk to me about meetings and what not. I tried to avoid making full eye contact with him bec

office for dinner. He ordered Chinese and a bottle of wine. When I enter

ize how hungry I am as I’m sho

king a bite of his honey chic

utside of Boston. My parents bought a house here many y

n is a lovely place. I like

ut you?”

food for a moment, “

guy who would live there with your tan skin and beach

be honest, anyone can look like they’re from som

tely right. I just didn’t picture

’s trying to look deep into my soul. M

of things you don

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