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Chapter 6 : It's You!

Word Count: 1235    |    Released on: 03/12/2021


oor ticks over, I feel myself getting even more nervous to meet my new boss. From what Jessica has

ntion first thing if I were her. I really should’ve researched the

floor 45, but definitely grander. There is only one large office and what appears to be a desk space for the secretary. A

self so I’ll hook you up with a new email address so you can communicate wit

le on my face, “Of course,

k to the office. She stops just outside the door to g

a deep

he wall or the soft looking grey carpet, but two glowing green eyes staring back at me.

noise, and turns to f

dramatic and unnecessary, but th

to come forward, “Meet the CEO of EarthX Ent


ing my dreams since our ch

e eyes I’ve ever seen that

ee on and tried to save

who is now

the night before? Or maybe Dylan slipped some of his magic

again. The city is enormous, but

hroat. Atlas shakes his head and gives me a small wink, diverting his eyes away from mine. I lean aga

ds enthusiastic, “So, make sure you treat her well

toothy smile, “Of course. Thank

ica leave. She flashes a look of concern my

ences at this point, a weakness of mine when I’m shocked and anxious. I’ve been l

ee-piece suit. I can’t stop myself from staring at the way it fit

to the two black leather seats in

into his eyes, it’s like I’m put into a

ou this soon,” Atlas smiles,

ce, as if the universe is forcing us together. I never used to be

re I speak, but I just sound like

hen we first met,” I confess,

k in his seat, “So, you’v

been thinking about him, but

onse is quick

it could laugh. This man is so intoxicating that I f

e large windowsill behind him, “I’m glad you applied for this po

hind him is breathtaking, but my eyes stay

clasping his hands together in his lap, “Because I n

have my fu

ud what my brain is currently thinking, “I’m more t

ially since you got fire

my toes, “How do y

of the desk right in front of me, “I have my ways.

other day because I’m sure he meets lots of people every day but doesn’t take notice of them. So, why am I dif

say in a playful tone, to

all. I’m just trying

ight? What do

tands to his feet, forcing me to loo

s jump into it,” he’s glowing as he smiles,

“You’re the bos

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