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Reading History

Chapter 3 : In Her Defense

Word Count: 1278    |    Released on: 03/12/2021


ouldn’t get Atlas’s face out of my mind no matter how hard I tried

ay. He kept saying I should quit and apply for jobs in the retail industry lik

for fawning over a man that I’ll never see again. I know realistically he’s out o

tain of homework and lectures to catch up on that I’m dreadin

my life. It’s days like yesterday where I remind myself that education is the mos

re in New York city is either warm or cold, there is no in-between. It’s coming into

Public transport is a nightmare, so I must leave almost an hour before my class s

g class. Coming up with ideas for a story has always been the funniest aspect of writing. The wri

long until the train comes to a screeching holt at my stop. I grab my side bag and jump out of my sea

n to speed walk if I want to get to campus on time. As I rush past the massive cro

d, Daisy ne

alking so I don’t bump into anyone. Gettin

the only thing in the green


t even concern her, when you break it down. Atlas was the one who should’ve been com

utiful it shou

e it’s nothing.” I hit

om my apartment should’ve deterred me from applying to live there but finding somewh

Along the way I pass groups of students studying on the freshly cut lawns

is so fun a

in the back corner and watch the rest of the students file in. I haven’t made any close frie

cause the fear of being rejecte

talking about plot structure and creating an intriguing climax and crisis. I don’t take too many

on the small table in front of me. My eyes begin to flutt

esk with his name on a plaque in front of him, reading through fil


of my name. No one ever calls upon me, which

my throa

ed with a look that could kill. She mustn’t

ins, looking around the room, “Why don’t you tell e

ultiple eyes burning into my

arms across her chest, “T

ving this many people focus their attention on me is my w

ht of the final one yet. Do I tell her the truth and live with the awkwardnes

the nerves getting the best

on me, clearly waiti

ary. They form a relationship, but they encounter multiple instances that wil

ing at her chin. The ant

ts, “I look forward to reading it. N

My heart is pumping in my chest and my hands are clammy. Tha

piration will be a challenge. Using real life scenarios is what I base m

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