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Bound to the Vampire's Heir

Bound to the Vampire's Heir

Author: A.D.R. Brown
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Chapter 1 : Heir to an Empire

Word Count: 1132    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

unnatural against the rising smog. Behind him, a group of men with batons stood stoically. Despite their broa

man. She could tell that while she had never seen this man before, his presence here was routine. The girls on either s

stand face to face with Isaac. The smile that flashed across his face as the girl recoiled was cold and cruel,

pushing the quaking girl back in

e girls he inspected were sent back to work, looks of relief on their faces. Wh

who spit at Isaac as he tried to touch her face. As she fought and clawed a

Where are tho

inia and the crying girl. “Astor is


stor Industries grew and manufactured blood to sell to other vampires, eliminating the need to hunt. But blood does not grow without life. Rumors swirled around that family that t

saac. He’s come in here a few times since I’ve been

ped the previously struggling girl’s body to the floor and wiped a thin trail of

have such trouble on such a mundane errand.” He brushed his hands off on his trousers and resumed his walk ab

ooking for?”

s,” replied the taller girl. She grimaced.

s. He seemed to be enjoying the discomfort around him. There was something cruel in

on. Isaac tilted his head and curled his mouth into a smirk. He wound his way around Lavinia’s table, hardly giving the other girls time to scatter. Up clo

of coppery blood mixed with something like wood burning. It was not an unpleasant smell.

arely above a whisper, but it rang c

against every instinct to shrink aw

e, Ms. Devon. You must be new.” His

But she would not give in. Every part of her wanted to push him away or cower out of his gaze, but she

n picking your meals, or am I jus

s guards who managing a co

d. “On the one hand, I could drain you dry, right here, right now. I do not take well to being talked back to. But on the other hand, that might be a waste of your beauty. I co

saac leaned back from her, clearly satia

hing w

elf to look back up. “Not at all. Y


y you could handle a few skinny girls yourself. Or are all the rumors about vampires just folk tales? Are you really just a

ingered hands around the back of her neck, pulling her to



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