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Chapter 3 : Laying in Wait

Word Count: 1456    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

t Helen and the other two women sat uneasily on the edges of their beds. She caught Helen’s eye about to ask so

e door was thrown open and two guards stepped through. Helen

I think,” said

brunette girls. Having been asleep in her bed, she yelped. The guard to the right extended his hand towards the tall woman who stood and took it, resign

nto their respective bunks. Following their lead, Lavinia tucked her legs underneath he

ayed wide open, staring at the underside of Rosie’s bed. Lavinia stretched her hand out in front of her, able to make out her digits in the weak dar

e reached up to the window’s latch. It creaked slowly open and she stood, balancing on the hard mattress. Her arms strained to pull herself th

l awake below Helen. Lavinia looked at the woman, bar

t sound of shouts from the open window. Footsteps clattered on the paving stones outside and the sound of men’s’ voices rang clearly through the dark. There was a mo

ents of the evening had ended. She laid back and tucked her hands behind her head. Try as she might to empt

owl only in the dark or when the cloud cover was sufficient. At previous jobs, Lavinia had heard stories from people who had supposedly had run-ins with the leeches. Girls comp

asurable about being on the bleeding end of a bite. To feel that vulnerable and desired. Lavinia knew whatever these g

e. At first, Lavinia thought the noise was the start of a dream, but quickly realized that it was coming from outside in the hallw

side. When the door slammed behind her, Lavinia leapt out of bed, picking the girl’s head up into her lap. Se

aint trails of dark veins spanned out from the marks, winding up into her hairline and down u

ia asked. “What happen

ood spilling from between h

n from her bunk to it sit wi

ing girl stuttered. “

s soon,” said Helen quietly

s there the whole time. Looking at me while he-”

like?” Rosi

the hair and bit down. She didn’t even struggle. I was just stood t

nia asked, slowly pulling the

nly teeth and hands that were far too tight.” she brushed her hand against her upper

he couldn’t get enough. I only think he did

yone who goes to his room either comes back a husk

?” the gir

new girl never came back. His next pic

wards the open bunk. Lavinia hesitated for a second, looking be

h. “She tried to run,” Lavinia said. “She

st likely she went to the plant where the Astors manufacture blo

he said he was looking forward to- t

ap and stood. With the help of the girl with curly hair, she was able to get the bitten girl to her feet and carefully into her bed. Lavinia took the case off

ruel bastard was focused enough on her that he had threatened another girl with her name. She knew that it was only a



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