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Chapter 2 : Fresh Meat

Word Count: 1257    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

her coat before Isaac’s guards herded her along and the wintry chill bit into her s

first one without looking back at the cluster of shivering girls. One of the guards pul

e was a shorter girl she recognized. She had been hired to work in repairs due to her tiny frame. She was cry

d the girl’s hair back from her te

she repli

ls in the carriage for reassurance, but none of them would meet he

their shoes or fidgeting with their hands. Time passed in a wicked way, each moment feeling both like an eternity a

er the carriage to reveal a sheer drop. The sky was unnaturally dark, almost artificial in its hue. There

they watched, the road behind them curled and bent. Lavinia realized with a star

r removed at this point. Through the darkness, she could make out foliage filling in the edges of

ose to the carriage and the girl by the win

that?” R

Lavinia. “Maybe an

. “I doubt that Astor kid would willingly lose his playthings to an animal. Or

avinia. She pressed her face into Lavinia’s

nia said, only partial

girls inside waited for something to happen. Finally, one o

e understatement. The building was amorphous and unbalanced, with hulking windows and da

r family and their wretchedness still seeped into their home, putting it on full display. Isaac Astor clearly grew up

. They were ushered into a small side door that took them down a dimly lit stone hallway. On eit

the right bore Isaac’s name. Up the hall, Isaac leaned lazily up against the wall. While the group stood paused at this juncture,

young women were perched. All of them were exceptionally thin with long, lank hair. Their eyes looked hollow and darted around the room, not setting on any of the new girls w

hair’s hand. “Six. Six new ones,” she patted the girl on the cheek and stood ba

he bruises and puncture marks across the women’s b

ed?” Sh

ond. “If you are here, that means he’s done w

Batches rarely last more than a few months. He likes a blood bath. But these last few weeks… It’s almost like he’s been play

d,” chimed in

ifted nervou

does not give much downti

tarting to lay down. As Lavinia sat herself down on t

he actual


ia no

cess as painful as possible. It’s hard not to feel

ions have you

dly. “You do not wa

nto the hollow, tired pits. She reached out to take

My name

el the pain through her gaze and touch, Lavinia could not help but fee



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