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Chapter 8 : Giving In

Word Count: 1225    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

it had been last time. The fire, the table, the bed. The only major difference was Isaac himself. He w

e suddenly aware that Isaac’s icy eyes had faint dark lines in the ir

nds on the table between them. “

e you pl


t throwing girls away? I knew you were sadistic, bu

“I didn’t kill

at are y

you know ab

o make as

ampires go long stretches without drinking blood we become even more inhuman. Bestial almost. We have a drive telling u

and what this ha

ake sure my he

for what? Lavinia could not make out Isaac’s intentions. She had picked up on his expr

g he desperately wanted to say, though his expression was blank. The thought c

anaged Astor Industries for nearly one hundred years. She is

he fireplace. He rested both his hands

still only eighteen. She has not yet been primed for leadership. I on the other hand have had

o the

ntinue her legacy. Inherit, operate, procreate, repeat. I did not have the l

im, not processing

Isaac turned back. “I simply have refrained from any sig

to see t

lled, throwing his hands down on the table. “You don’

that’s what

t he had said. What he had admitted.

ink clearly about

u if you fe

aid Lavinia. “And you massacred an entire group of gir

ur feelings

ostly. Re

nia. “You are combative, don’t know your place, and are frustrating. But beneath that, I feel a draw towards you. O

jumped to her feet, leaning into Isaac’s face. “What would you like? ‘Oh,

back. Lavinia blinked once, then closed her eyes and leaned back in, parting her lips. Isaac rais

f breath. “Do something for me t

ed at her

l Rosie. L

o that. Mo

he doesn’t kill her prey. She’s g

“I’ll see that she is tra

miled in

need to feed. That is, unless

f her throat. Isaac smiled out of the corner of his mouth and stood, forcing Lavinia to back towards the wall. He pressed her back up against i

atic speak from the point of impact. It flowed into her chest and dizzyingly up into her head. There was no

his tongue. Trailing her own lips across Isaac’s jawline, he could feel the perfection of h

can’t finish.” He raised his fingers to the small pink ma

pulled up the edge of her skirt, revealing her soft thighs. His left hand moved up to rest on her inner thigh. Leaning down, he kissed her skin exposed between his thumb and forefinger. At Lavinia’s pleasur



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