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Chapter 7 : Lavinia Reconsiders

Word Count: 1166    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

snide comments from Annette worming their way into the other girls. What started as a light suggestion bloomed into an assumption, one that n

t to give them any more fuel. The sheet hid the marks on her neck and chest, marks that under closer inspection, did not all contain punctures. Som

een in bed when the door was opened onc

nt you lot?” a girl with fr

hungry,” said the gu

ous plaything,” sneered Annette, t

forward and seized

re the door closed and looked Annette in the eyes. There was fear in them. Petrified fear. But as the shadow of the door swung across her, the fear melted away to a blank resolution. An empty stare. The body that Lavinia hear

d to stay up and wait. They all went about their business quietly. In the washroom

It became the expectation that Isaac would finish them off rather than return them for later. A few girls discussed a way out. They talked about appealing t

n eventually asked. “Why is

hing,” said the girl with

ay anythi

id Lavinia,

ng years of habit, just for you, then going on a killing s

hing! Nothing mor

s only Rosie and Lavi

s in?” Rosie asked, sitting with Lavinia

t time he came and got

me again wh

g fed on and Lavinia had not be

that, you just feel light, dizzy

as painfu


ust… I know

Maybe you’

w that isn’t true. Something i

, she could use that to her advantage. Maybe she could protect Rosie. She wrapped her arms around the smaller girl. They sat like that for a long time, not speaking, just sitting close and

nything happen to you,”

re you


ards entered. The strode f

ed in between them.

orders. S

Astor I wa

p as

vinia wants to di

right almost smiled. “We’ll pass alon

protect Rosie but wa

ried as she was dr

ed she had not made a mistake, made too big of a gamble. She could not deny that Isaac had treated her differently from the other girls, bu

bedroom. It was a ploy. An attempt to wind her up, to manipulate

The guards entered with Rosie between

d the taller guard. “He would like

way, striding ahead of them off up the hallway. Lavinia’s hands were shaking but she kept them clasped, intending

time, he was waiting on the other side, ope

avinia took it, fixing him with a glar



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