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Chapter 6 : The Morning After

Word Count: 1136    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

sually a turbulent sleeper, she was surprised that her arms were still

t she was stronger now. The marks across her ached less and the fog ar

penly confessed that he enjoyed the fear and discomfort that he caused. The girls

ect victims from the populace who had no recourse. The girls in the factory could not say no. Lavinia could

her revulsion and hatred, she could not block out how Isaac had made her feel in his moments of unguarded candor. When he felt unobserved, the softness in his face could almost be

uiet desire, with his mouth so close, for him to bite down again, to drain her, to repeat the cycle. At

are you

be here,” Lav

ed you to

others,” Lavinia sat up, turning to fa

e with the others? Th


n quickly froze into a glare. “I suppose you are

ed to retie her corset.

the boning tightened around the fresh puncture wounds. His eyes

o is ind

held her fast. His face twitched, something boiling behind his masked expressi


en I feed on you. Tel

tell him that no, she felt nothing. She wanted to push herself away from him and

I’m sure a victim reacting

at have tried to tempt me were dealt with rather


ver his eyes and he turned away. ”Yo


for a second and then stalked passed him, trying to move

are not alone

y. Isaac pulled it back with one h

u talking to

d the door and foll

alking to some

e been th

said. “It was

smirked. “Are




to my younger s

unded a

y sister. Annoya

d like she was

ilting his chin up so Lavinia coul

he teasing

tarted. “It is not exactly custom


back to that

nd ushered her down the hall, all but throwing open the door to discard Lavinia inside. The girls crowded around the t

ia. “We assumed you were dead. I

l right

ly. Their eyes moved between the marks on her thr

the night i

could barely stand

id Helen. “Girls don’t come back. If you aren’t brou

olled her eyes. “I’m su

?” protest

viously taken. “When she came back she was drained. And she didn’t have quite so many

and away. “He’s a monster but he wouldn’t stoop s

on. I’m asking what you let hi

herself, trying to drown out the catty and suspicious whispers around her. Putting her fingers to her throat she could f



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