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Chapter 5 : Lavinia Spends the Night

Word Count: 1181    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

athed slowly, taking stock of the sensation coursing through her body. Across her body were marks of reddish-purple

ted to she would not be able to stand or even sit up. Her bo

she could see some indistinct movement by the door. Turning her head, she saw Isaac standing in the slightly open door

ke an argument, but an amicable one. The voice from outside sounded vague like it was speaking th

hing dark that buttoned up to his neck. His r

es. He stepped back from the door and slammed it. Isaac stalked over to the open firepla

he had an almost contented smile. The night before there had been something behind his eyes, something ravenous and haunted. That was gone now. Like he had in

hing. Perhaps she would be returned to the room like the brunette girl and face her end another night. Not that there was much she could do

d her eyes tightly, trying not to let the dizziness reach her stomach. At her sound, Isaac snapped his head towards

across Lavinia’s body, taking note of the bruising and bite marks. His gaze lingered on Lavinia’s exposed thr

waiting for a response. When she did not give an

eyes slowly. Isaac’s icy face was a shock in the dim warm room. He seemed

mouth. “I have to look out for

what the oth

You have a lot of promise and I’d quite like to draw out my ent

or? At the factory, you seeme

dience. But I find that that obedience is

Isaac pressed his finger to her c

h if you have enough blood left


you’ll regret. You’ve earned just a touch of favor fr

ng her to wait. He stood and walked to the door, pulling open the one

turn her, sir?” ask

“I’ll be keeping h

he not said he was going to

hen in the morni

her to the room in the morning. I thi

rds hes


ler guard. “Very good.

y, boots clicking until the door was swung shut

f her strength and pushed herself into a sit

ply, unbuttoning his shirt. “I’ll return yo

the pose as affectionate, but given Isaac’s stiff posture and emotionless face, she could not help but feel the veiled threat behind it. Still, she could not bring herself to pull away. She tried to tell herself that s

n, she found it much easier to relax here rather than in the room below with panicked girls. Lavinia sighe



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